Say Goodbye to Paper Logs: Why Every Office Needs a Visitor Management System

visitor management office


With the growing trend of digitalization, it is time to say goodbye to paper logs and start implementing visitor management systems in offices. Most business owners and managers have a lot of things on their minds. Their main focus is how to make the company grow and achieve better results. Unfortunately, many of them forget about one important thing—security. This can be very dangerous for their business or even life because security problems can cause a lot of damage to their reputation as well as financial loss.

Fortunately, there are some solutions that can help you with this problem: visitor management system. This is a very useful tool for every office because it helps keep track of who enters your premises and what time they came in or left it. It also allows you to see who has access rights into different areas so that you don’t allow unauthorized people into restricted areas or give them access keys without knowing who they are.

Visitor management systems also provide other useful features such as: creating visitor profiles based on their name and contact information (it will help identify them later when they come back), setting up rules according to which visitors will be allowed, managing and monitoring their permissions to enter certain parts of the building and so on.


Paper logging is a pain

Paper logs are a pain. They’re not secure, they’re not easy to use, and they’re not easy to update and share–and finding the right one when you need it can be like searching for a needle in a haystack.

The solution? A visitor management system that stores all your visitor data digitally so you’ll never have to worry about misplacing or losing another log again!

The best part is, you can use your visitor management system to manage your entire visitor experience. From the moment a visitor arrives at your office, you’ll be able to track their progress through every step of the process–from scheduling an appointment to checking in and out, to receiving notifications about changes or cancellations.

A Visitor Management System is easy to use

A Visitor Management System is easy to use. The system is intuitive, which means that it’s easy for employees and visitors alike. With a few simple clicks, you can issue or revoke visitor badges with just a few clicks of the mouse or tap on your phone screen. The system has been designed so that everyone in the office can learn how to use it in no time flat!

It’s easy to integrate with your existing security system. The Visitor Management System can be seamlessly integrated with existing security systems, so there’s no need to worry about compatibility issues. We’ve done the hard work for you, so all you have to do is plug in your badge readers and cameras and start using them!

Visitor Management Systems allow for seamless communication between offices and customers.

Visitor Management Systems allow for seamless communication between offices and customers.

Think of all the ways this can be useful. You can create a visitor log, update your contacts list, or send out invitations to meetings. The possibilities are endless!

Here’s an example: Let’s say you want to invite someone from another department into your office space for a meeting. With a Visitor Management System, all you have to do is enter their name into the system and select which day(s) they should come in–the rest will automatically follow as planned on both sides of your organization’s walls.

A Visitor Management System can be used for more than just visitors

A visitor management system can be used for more than just visitors. In fact, according to a recent survey of businesses with visitor management software, 68% of respondents track employee time using their system. This is a great way to ensure that you’re being paid for all hours worked and that no one is taking advantage of you by working off the clock.

Another common use case for these systems is tracking deliveries–whether they’re arriving at your office or being sent out on behalf of your business (like when someone picks up lunch). This information can help keep costs down by keeping tabs on what’s coming in and out so there aren’t any surprises when it comes time to pay bills or order more inventory (or food).

Visitors are a business' greatest asset.

Visitors are a business’ greatest asset. They can be your best customers, employees and teachers. They can also be friends, investors and partners in the future of your company.

So why would you want to keep track of them?

Because it’s easier than ever before! With Visitor Management Systems (VMS) like Neoffice you’ll know exactly who is coming into your office at any given time–and why they’re there. At Neoffice, we believe in your ability to make the world a better place. That’s why we’ve made it easy for you to get started with our check-in workflows for pre-registered visitors and walk-in visitors alike.

Pre-registered Visitors: Pre-registering allows your guests to fill out their information and upload their identity proof via SMS/email links sent by your hosts. They’ll have everything they need in advance so that when they arrive, they can just walk in and be on their way.

A visitor management system will save you time and money.

A visitor management system will save you time and money.

  • You won’t have to check in visitors anymore. This means that your employees can spend their time working instead of standing by the door, checking people in.
  • You’ll save money on printing. A visitor management system allows you to print guest badges on demand, so you won’t have piles of pre-printed badges lying around taking up space or collecting dust in a drawer somewhere (and costing money). You also don’t have to worry about running out of paper at an inconvenient moment; since they’re printed on demand, there’s never an issue with running out!
  • If a company has multiple locations, they can use one central database instead of having separate databases for each location – this helps keep costs down by reducing duplication across all locations within an organization as well as making sure that information stays consistent across all locations so employees always know what’s going on at each site without having go ask someone else first before answering questions themselves later down line.”

A visitor management system is a great investment. It can save you time and money, as well as make your office more efficient. The best part is that these systems are easy to use and don’t require any special training or equipment.

Neoffice Workplace Management Solution

Neoffice is built with a suite of workspace tools that help employees choose how and where they work while providing organizations with a platform to manage their hybrid workplace with ease and complete control.

The solution comes with 9 features on one single app – Team planner to manage a collaborative effort for a team, Seat Scheduling, Meeting room BookingHot DeskingCar park Slot BookingDigital cafeteria to pre-order your meals at work, Employee commute solutionSurvey forms. All Features are modular and the client can choose to subscribe to the relevant solution.

To know more about the solution, do drop a mail to [email protected] or a call us on our Helpline +91 80 4680 5757